A regenerative future that revitalizes the planet and the communities that inhabit it.

Home Planet is a new kind of creative agency where vision and craft align to create inspiring stories of conscious, responsible solutions for a changing world.

Brand Storytelling

Are brands the new face of climate communication?

Tell your story, through a documentary style approach with cinematic values, to connect your brand with audiences through emotions, inspiring them through highlighting the accessibility of your brands solutions, and to demonstrate your true impact.

Stories for a changing world.


Co-founded by Jason MacFarlane, Dr. Cristina Allen and Andrew Kim, Home Planet is your trusted collaborator, storyteller and creator of solution focused content, supporting brands and businesses as they journey towards a regenerative future.

Our vision is to bring brands to life through unrivalled experiential marketing and content creation, guided by an authentic narrative through line that speaks to the conscious consumer and aligns with the collective good.

  • Collaborators and Affiliates

    Our marketing and communications ecosystem combines the expertise of top agency talent with a regenerative model, guaranteeing efficient workflows, personal engagement free from the lengthy processes often required in securing quality agency services. Our team consists of experienced brand / marketing strategists and video content experts who have worked together extensively on both big brands and small to medium sized enterprises.

  • Studio

    Our off grid studio in the forest is located in Meaford, Ontario, on a biodiverse 7 acre permaculture project by Jason MacFarlane and Dr. Cristina Allen. Inspired by nature, art and health with a commitment to shape a regenerative future that revitalize the planet and the communities that inhabit it. A destination integrative health centre and creative studio, rewilding an ancient apple orchard into a herbal medicine guild.

Storytelling at scale linked to action can really create tangable impact.