The Bioregions

Celebrating a region of Change-Makers.

The series follows the journey of diverse individuals, visionary leaders, and community-driven initiatives as they come together to envision and create a pathway towards a more resilient and sustainable way of life.

A groundbreaking film series

that delves into the heart of local communities facing the monumental task of navigating the challenges posed by climate change while striving to build resilience and sustainability for their shared future. Set in Southern Ontario, amidst the backdrop of the Great Lakes basin, the series explores how communities grapple with the profound transformations brought about by climate change, industrial agriculture, and migration influx, while also harnessing their collective imagination, innovation, and determination to shape a vibrant and sustainable future.

View a teaser video sharing a sample episodic below.

A call to action.

“The Bioregions” challenges the audience to rethink traditional paradigms, break free from "business as usual" thinking, and embrace a future that is defined by sustainability, resilience, and community empowerment.

These episodics culminate in a feature-length film that acts as a beacon of hope and inspiration, demonstrating how collective action, collaboration, and visionary leadership can transform a region and serve as a blueprint for communities around the world.

"The Bioregions" seeks to inspire and empower communities worldwide to take action, dream big, and work together towards a future that is not only sustainable but also filled with joy, and possibility.

Your content strategy and marketing impact

Our tiered funding model for "The Bioregions" embodies the principles of community engagement and sustainability, offering partners a unique opportunity to be part of a collaborative storytelling journey no matter your budget.

  • Community Engagement

    By breaking down funding into tiers, we empower municipalities, businesses, and organizations to contribute at levels that align with their capacity and commitment to community-driven initiatives. This inclusive approach ensures that all stakeholders have a stake in the success of the project, fostering a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for the stories being told.

  • Sustainable Production

    Unlike traditional film financing models that require upfront funding for an entire feature film, our tiered model allows for episodic production as funding blocks come in. This agile approach not only ensures a steady flow of content creation but also reduces financial barriers, making participation more accessible to a diverse range of partners.

  • Prominent Recognition

    Tier 1 funding partners receive prominent recognition and inclusion in both episodic webisodes and the feature-length film. This visibility not only showcases their commitment to collaborative leadership and sustainable practices but also amplifies their impact within the community and beyond.

  • Storytelling Partnerships

    Partners at all funding tiers receive an episodic featuring their story, allowing them to share and showcase their initiatives, values, and contributions to the community. This symbiotic relationship between financial support and storytelling ensures that each partner's voice is heard and celebrated throughout the series.

  • Social Amplification with Influencers

    More than 90% of customers consider peer reviews and user feedback to be the most credible source of potential purchase information. “The Bioregions” develops personalized, authentic, emotional storytelling for influential creatives from the interactive experiences to leverage brand mentions.

  • Unique Collaborations

    Collective conservation is triumphing over individual preservation. To adapt to this new world and prosper in it, brands need to quickly reassess their core purpose and strategies to align them with the collective good.

“The Bioregions” is committed to capturing the vibrant narratives of community resilience and sustainability through a variety of engaging methods.

By harnessing the power of events, interviews, site visits, and narrative storytelling, "The Bioregions" will capture the essence of community-driven resilience and sustainability, showcasing the inspiring stories and collective efforts that are shaping a brighter future for Bruce Grey County and beyond.

What’s included in your marketing package.

Coming together for our shared future. See what we can do for your brand story.

A sample social media story

Shared benefits:

In essence, our tiered funding model is not just about financing a film series — it's about building a collaborative ecosystem where community, sustainability, and storytelling converge. Together, we are not only telling stories of resilience and transformation but also embodying those values through our funding approach, creating a model that reflects the ethos of "The Bioregions" and the communities it represents.

Let’s dream big!

"The Bioregions" isn't just a film series — it's a revolution, a testament to the power of collective vision and action.

As we journey together through the episodics, showcasing the incredible initiatives and stories within our communities, we're also setting our sights on the global stage with the feature film.

This isn't just about capturing moments; it's about creating a legacy, a lasting impact that resonates far beyond our region. We're not just telling stories; we're shaping history. And we invite you to be a part of it.

By sharing the stories of the Georgian Bay Region and beyond and its visionary leaders, the series aims to ignite a global movement for positive change—one community, one action, and one story at a time.


  • About the Filmmaker

    Jason MacFarlane brings over 20 years experience in content production, directing commercials, music videos, documentaries and doing creative direction for various TV shows including full broadcast design. Directing commercials for many world-renowned brands like Adidas, Hudson's Bay Company, BOMA, Canadian Club, Nike, Microsoft, Shaw, Rogers, CBC, OLN, Lindt, Canadian Paralympics, MTV, Toyota and Natrel.

  • About the Agency

    Co-founded by Jason MacFarlane and Dr. Cristina Allen, Home Planet is your trusted collaborator, storyteller and creator of solution focused content, supporting brands and businesses as they journey towards a regenerative future. Our vision is to bring brands to life through unrivalled experiential marketing and content creation, guided by an authentic narrative through line that speaks to the conscious consumer and aligns with the collective good.

  • Collaborators and Affiliates

    Our marketing and communications ecosystem combines the expertise of top agency talent with a regenerative model, guaranteeing efficient workflows, personal engagement free from the lengthy processes often required in securing quality agency services. Our team consists of experienced brand/marketing strategists and video content experts who have worked together extensively on both big brands and small to medium sized enterprises.

  • Studio

    Our off grid studio in the forest is located in Meaford, Ontario, on a biodiverse 7 acre permaculture project by Jason MacFarlane and Dr. Cristina Allen. Inspired by nature, art and health with a commitment to shape a regenerative future that revitalize the planet and the communities that inhabit it. A destination integrative health centre and creative studio, rewilding an ancient apple orchard into a herbal medicine guild.