Making commercial real estate greener, smarter, healthy.

BOMA Canada facilitates national initiatives and the exchange of ideas that support our member associations in the promotion of education, advocacy, recognition of excellence and networking.

By telling stories through video content, Home Planet help create a human and emotional narratives for the built environment, allowing BOMA Canada to connect with their audience on a much deeper level.

Be a storyteller that offers value.

Decarbonizing real estate and the built environment is one of the most important ethical imperatives and economic opportunities of our lifetime. It is likely decarbonizing the built environment will become the largest use of capital in human history.

Through brand storytelling Home Planet connects conscious builders, building owners and individuals with shared value systems to help direct spending to make a positive and regenerative impact.

“A Day In The Life In Commercial Real Estate” docuseries

Character-driven documentary series featuring people and businesses pioneering industry innovation on the front lines of climate change.

BOMEX Toronto

Home Planet helps brands create an ecosystem of content that all works together to build relationships: including feature length documentaries, short videos, digital content, experiences, docuseries, social media, and grassroots campaigns.

Home Planet creates brand stories to educate, inform, entertain and inspire the single largest collaboration challenge of our lifetime and the largest economic opportunity ever, one that will pay out over decades. Change needs to come, swiftly, and though practical change is crucial, so are changes in imagination, perception and values.

By telling stories about how a transition to a regenerative future is enabling significant changes across so many different greenhouse gas-contributing industries, we can unpack the concept of system change, one impactful carbon neutral story at a time.


Urban Farming


Net Zero