

One shoot can produce an abundance of creative content.


As the voice of urban farming, MicroHabitat has an opportunity to take ownership of storytelling – elevating the whole category to a new level, driving industry conversation and increasing public support while building political and financial capital at a global level.

Social Content

Build stories that audiences seek out and engage with.

Home Planet strategically identifies the best differentiated coverage opportunities for the brand, while being agile for anything, from planned to the unexpected opportunities, using multiple mediums while remaining budget friendly. There is no trade off, you can have it all.

Content Strategy and Creative Direction

Full feature length documentary can be edited a short form series, one shoot can produce an abundance of content and by knowing where the content is living, this forest of content can be adapted to many versions of the same story to best fit a specific platform. Creating a unified brand message across all verticals.

Creative direction includes brand narrative and concept ideation, scriptwriting and storyboarding, cinematography and videography, music licensing and production, editing, video colouring, title design and motion graphics, sound design and mixing.

Cinematic Values

Using a documentaries style approach with cinematic values, creating content that audiences seek out and engage with. Connect with audiences through emotions and demonstrate the true impact and accessibility of your brands solutions, we need to speak the creative language of authenticity.


Built Environment