We joined forces with local farmers and documented their regenerative farming practices, helped tell their stories through film content creation, and connected them to like-minded businesses.


Working holistically with the founders of Maizal, Home Planet ideated visuals and tone to articulate the ethos behind an agro-ecological practice, circularity, and magical stories of ancient seeds and living soil.

Maizal produces some of the best products using regenerative farming practices and zero-waste principles. We wanted to be part of telling their important stories of land stewardship and the pursuit of excellence.

  • Craft Unique Stories

    Every brand has a story. Home Planet developed a captivating brand narrative to inform and engage; and get the goods into the hands of more consumers.

  • Connecting Communities and Customers

    We organized a Dias de Los Muertos edition of Cloud Club to connect Maizal to a larger audience. Maizal is now gaining new accounts and businesses.

Stories that educate, inspire, activate: to eat the change you want to be.

An emerging generation of farmers and food citizens unites around a common cause: developing initiatives that favour regenerative and rewarding community based agriculture. These ideas connect and unite all the characters we meet, introducing us to a system, an integrated whole, a web of relationships that reveal a world of new possibilities.

Ancient ideas back in vogue.

“From The Ground Up” takes us on a fascinating exploration of modernity and ancient wisdom, with some powerful suggestions for change, meeting characters that are imagining a better future, showcasing a functioning world of new possibilities.

Regenerative organic agriculture is the number one thing humans can do to combat climate change.
— Yvon Chouinard, Founder of Patagonia

Farm like the world depends on it.




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